Your teeth are a part of your body from infancy through adulthood. Most people are born without teeth and begin the process of having teeth from about six months after birth until the teeth fall out. Teeth are extremely important, as they are used to chew our food and begin our digestive process as well as to help us be able to speak. If you are hoping to keep your teeth for a long time, continue reading for tips to protect them.
Baby Teeth
Baby teeth, also called deciduous or milk teeth, come in when a person reaches 6 months of age. There are typically twenty baby teeth that will grow into a baby’s mouth. Baby teeth are different from adult teeth in many ways. Firstly, baby teeth are usually a lighter color than adult teeth and are smaller than adult teeth. Baby teeth are less durable than adult teeth and have shorter roots, because they are not meant to last as long. In fact baby teeth usually start to fall out when a person is around 6 years old. The last baby tooth will typically have fallen out by the time a child reaches 12 years of age.
Adult Teeth
Baby teeth are signaled to fall out of the mouth when the adult teeth begin to grow in. Adult teeth are usually grown when a person reaches their teenage years. Adults will have 28 teeth in their mouths plus up to four wisdom teeth. Oftentimes, people will have their wisdom teeth removed because when wisdom teeth grow in, they can mess with a person’s bite or be painful. Although, some people do not have wisdom teeth or have room for wisdom teeth to grow in.
Each adult tooth has a specific name and has a specific purpose. Incisors are the front teeth and are used to bite and cut food. Canines are located next to the front teeth and are for tearing food. Premolars are behind the canines and are used for crushing food. The last row of teeth are molars, which are used for extra crushing power.
Adult teeth are meant to last for a person’s lifetime. There is a myth that teeth fall out with old age, however this is not true. While it is accurate to say that age and time can cause a decline in the overall health of your mouth, age itself is not to blame for teeth falling out. Tooth decay is a byproduct of misuse and not properly taking good care of your teeth. With proper dental care and the right choices, you will be able to keep your teeth for quite some time.
Caring For Your Teeth
The best way to keep your teeth for as long as possible is to keep up with your dental care and personal hygiene. Make sure to brush your teeth with a soft brush twice a day with a good toothpaste. Eat foods that optimize your oral health and try to avoid foods that cause tooth decay, staining, or cavities. Keep up with your regular dentist appointments and make sure to go to the dentist if you have tooth pain. Use a good mouthwash and make sure to floss. If you are consistent with these practices, then you should be able to maintain your oral health for a long time.
Do You Want To Keep Your Teeth Healthy?
We at Hendersonville Family Dental offer high-quality dental care services to help you keep your teeth healthy and strong. If you are in need of a new dentist, we would be happy to serve you. We are experienced and prepared to help you with any dental problems that you may have. Reach out to us with any questions that you may have or to learn more about our services.
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