Your oral health can have a substantial impact on your overall health. Due to this, it is important to include the health of your teeth in your New Year’s resolutions! Small steps can often make a huge difference to the condition of your smile throughout the year. Here are some of the best New Year’s resolutions to make to improve the health of your teeth. First and foremost, you should visit our office at Hendersonville Family Dental for the right dental cleanings to get your oral health off to the right start this year.
Visit your Dentist for Cleanings
Regular dental cleanings are a key component in protecting your teeth. When you ensure that you regularly visit your dentist, you will be able to identify any problems that may have arisen with your smile. These visits will also thoroughly remove plaque, tartar, food particles, and bacteria from the surface of your teeth. This goes a long way toward maintaining healthy, beautiful teeth. Visit our team at Hendersonville Family Dental at least twice a year to ensure that you obtain the necessary services to improve the health of your teeth.
Practice Consistency
Even the best oral hygiene routine won’t do you much good if it isn’t consistent. Skipping your routine allows bacteria, food particles, and other harmful components to remain on your teeth for an extended period of time. This can lead to extreme damage to your smile. By being consistent, you can help to ensure that your teeth receive the appropriate care as frequently as necessary to keep them in good condition.
Cut Back on Sugar Consumption
Sugar consumption is one of the leading culprits of damage to the teeth. When you regularly eat sugary foods or drink sugary beverages, you will likely experience tooth decay. Sugar provides fuel for harmful bacteria inside of your mouth. By reducing your sugar consumption, you can help to minimize problems with your smile. This can go a long way toward alleviating problems and keeping your teeth healthy throughout the year.
Quit Some Bad Habits
There are several bad habits that are harmful to the health of your teeth. When you give up these bad habits, you will often be able to improve the health of your teeth and keep your smile in great condition throughout the year. One bad habit to give up is smoking. Smoking is detrimental to your general and oral health. It increases the risk of lung cancer, gum disease, tooth decay, staining, and much more. When you quit smoking, you can keep your teeth in much better condition.
Some problems with your dental hygiene routine can also cause damage to your teeth. For example, you need to wait at least 30 minutes after eating to brush your teeth to prevent damage. Biting your nails is another habit that can be harmful for your oral health. Your teeth are made to chew your food, not break your nails. By regularly biting your nails, you put extra pressure on your teeth, which accelerates their wear. This can lead to excessive amounts of damage to your smile.
Reduce Alcohol Intake
Alcohol consumption can be incredibly devastating to your teeth. These acidic beverages can wear away at the surface of your teeth. In addition, they also tend to contain a high amount of sugar, which can also be damaging to your teeth. Try to take the steps to reduce your alcohol intake as much as possible. This can help to limit damage to your teeth and increase the overall strength of your smile. Monitoring your alcohol intake is a beneficial first step to take to improve your oral health and keep your teeth healthy throughout the year.
When you take these steps to improve the health of your teeth, you will be able to keep your smile in much better condition. Our experts at Hendersonville Family Dental can provide you the various dental services to keep your smile in great shape over the year. When you visit us every 6 months, we can help to provide you with the ideal cleanings to protect your teeth. Contact us for more information about the best New Year’s resolutions you can make to improve the health of your teeth.
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